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Fun Lighthearted Fantasy Books Featuring Witches

Whether it’s conjuring dark spells or cooking up healing potions, witches have captivated and charmed readers for decades. The idea of using elements provided by mother nature to create magic is as intriguing to children as it is to adults.

Thanks to this, there have been some outstanding novels through the years featuring witches. While many of them steer towards the darker domains with evil sorceresses using shadow magic for personal gains, there are also the lighter stories with fairy-tale like enchantments, do-gooder witches and sometimes whimsical or downright funny adventures.

I personally like the lighthearted witchy stories and that’s the reason I want to focus on some of my favourite books featuring witches that are quirky, hilarious or at least have a happy ending.

1) Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett

Wyrd Sisters is the first of two books written by Terry Pratchett in this list. Both books are from the Discworld series. For many, Wyrd Sisters is the start of one of the most fantastic series ever featuring witches.

Although Equal Rites was the first book on witches in the Discworld Series, Wyrd Sisters is the one that started the cult following for the three main witches of the series – Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat Garlick.

To say the three ladies are not your typical witches that you come across is an understatement. Wyrd Sisters is an absolute delight to read and the book parodies several fairy tales and is as lighthearted and hilarious as you can get. Wyrd Sisters and in general the entire Discworld series by Terry Pratchett is always amongst my most recommended fantasy novels on this site.

2) Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett

The second recommendation that is also from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett is Wee Free Men. Now Wyrd Sisters was published in 1988 and was the sixth book of the overall series. Wee Free Men was published in 2003 and was the thirtieth book in the series.

If you have read both, you will clearly see how Terry Pratchett’s writing style evolved over the years while still maintaining his core storytelling strengths.

Wee Free Men is the first book in the Tiffany Aching sub-series within Discworld. In this book, Tiffany Aching is still a nine year old discovering her true nature. It features the quirky Wee Free Men who are foul mouthed (in a good way) six-inch pixies.

Wee Free Men is known for being a novel with a lot of depth in its story. Tiffany Aching herself develops into one of the most beloved witches of the fantasy novels world and overall is a must-read adventure for all fans of witches.

3) Whispering To Witches by Anna Dale

Some of the best, lighthearted books on witches are mainly written for middle grade tweens. However, there are some books in this age range that can be enjoyed by one and all, regardless of age.

Whispering To Witches by author Anna Dale is one of those books. Described by fans as enchanting, funny and for the young at heart, the book is about a boy named Joe who thanks to a twist of fate lands up in the home of a coven of witches.

What follows is an adventure with lots of spells, magic and charming witches.

4) Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones

Diana Wynne Jones was a master in writing enchanting stories featuring witches and wizards. Most people would argue all of her books should be in a list featuring lighthearted witch novels. They would be right of course but for today’s list, I have chosen Witch Week, published in 2009.

This book is actually the third book in the Chronicles of Chrestomanci series and you probably should start with book 1. However, during my research and as per my own tastes and preferences, Witch Week seems to be on the top of the list of most witch fans.

Witch Week has an intriguing storyline, ticks all the right boxes in the funny department and is definitely another feelgood happy ending book by Diana Wynne Jones.

5) The Witches by Roald Dahl

Another book in the list that was meant for young readers is The Witches by Roald Dahl. I remember long back being intrigued by the book’s tagline “This is not a fairy tale. This is about real witches.” Although I was not expecting a story about “real” witches, it still fascinated me enough to pick it up and start reading.

Some younger audiences may find the book not as happy and peachy like others in the age group but yet The Witches is amongst one of the best reads in the genre.

The witches in the story are not the helping kind and are happy to curse anyone that gets in their way. While tweens will definitely love this book, most adults are equally enamored with Roald Dahl The Witches.

6) Stardust by Neil Gaiman

Now, this is not exactly a book specific to witches. In fact, it is an overall fantasy adventure written by master storyteller Neil Gaiman. Some of you may have also watched the movie adaptation of the book by the same name.

While it may not be about witches, it definitely has strong witch characters central to the story. I personally recommend this book because it is simply an all-out fun adventure with something for everyone. The story is quite imaginative, the pace of the book is fantastic and has a happy ending that most of us crave nowadays.

7) Girl’s Guide to Witchcraft by Mindy Klasky

This is a bonus book for those who not just love books about witches but also are a fan of the paranormal romance genre. If you love funny and hilarious books as well, then Girl’s Guide to Witchcraft by author Mindy Klasky is definitely the book for you.

This is the first book in the Washington Witches series. The entire series is much loved by adoring fans and is highly recommended by all. Girl’s Guide to Witchcraft also falls under the Romantic Comedies category. It is a charming, spellbinding tale about a witch named Jane Madison.

Through the series, you get to experience the entire adventure and growth of Jane Madison as a witch as she tries to handle all facets of her life. Girl’s Guide to Witchcraft is a great start to an enjoyable series that will keep you asking for more.

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